Where I started

I had a full on panic attack last night, huddled over my kitchen sink. Heart pounding, silent sobbing, kids and husband bickering in the background and thinking to myself, it’s only day one of our COVID-19 extreme social distancing endeavor.

I joked at the beginning of last week, “doesn’t everyone buy their toilet paper in three month bulk?” because I always have. My friends in my mid-twenties used to come to my house instead of the grocery store for supplies. But two moves and a major dietary shift later, I started to panic last week because I quickly began to realize that we wouldn’t make it a week.

Where to Go

Over the last five days I’ve proceeded on a mission to restock all the things with laser precision. And I really struggled to find a solid list anywhere that was helpful, not just in what to have and how much, but when all the grocery stores are ravaged, what do you do? I don’t know if this would be helpful to anyone on the interwebs, but below are some of the places/spaces I’ve found supplies, and places where they still seem to have said supplies.

  • Grove Collaborative. I’ve ordered from Grove for at least the last 4 years. I love their products, especially Grove brand, because they are more sustainable and affordable. They are out of TP/Paper towels, but appear to have ample tissues, hand soap (and fun ones for kiddos), dish soap, and laundry detergent.
  • Thrive Market. I’ve mentioned Thrive on here before, but they have been so thoughtful during this crisis. If you’ve never shopped their before, they have a month free trial and discounts off your first box, and it’s great for stocking up on pantry staples, especially if you are looking for healthier pantry options.
  • ButcherBox. I know all super established blogs and InstaInfluencers talk about ButcherBox, but here’s the main reason I ordered last week: the packaging. A) my grocery store was RAVAGED. B) even if I could stock up on meat, to freeze it would have taken hours of my time. ButcherBox is already sealed, frozen, and ready to stock away.

Where we go from here

And if you are as wound up as I am right now? I see you. If I hear, “these are uncertain times” one more time, I may punch a wall. It’s not uncertain, it’s freaking terrifying. My hope for us all is that as we find new ways to connect in this new normal that we extend each other ample amounts of grace.

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